Sunday, March 29, 2009

Drawing competition~Han Chiang

2903,early in the morning...wake up and went to Jit Sin Ind.....
Having my drawing competition.....
Reach there nia~so many people....
peole mountain people sea.....

As I said....Im damn like Jit Sin Ind's school hall...
don't know when SMJK Jit Sin just can has an aircond hall leh hor..=.=

I took part in公开组 I 18 already what....
walao....fight with uncle aunty....i think most of them are artist too....
a bit scare~

Yiing Chau also took part in some event...

Yiing Chau write mia~nice hor...haiz...Champion liao..!

mine d leh~don't know good or bad....
just keep drawing.....
西洋画 and 水墨画

Title of 西洋画 :鬼节庆典

Damn~wasted many time on tis...

水墨画 :深山小溪 鸟语花香

May be Im not so pro enough ....just try my best~

I din have Li hui drawing d pic....she1 pro nia~

Finally I can have a good rest @@


  1. luckily din gv u.. haha
    arbo u sure post up 2 ur blog..
    my drawing kanasai larr!!!

  2. long piak...later gt champion pulak==

  3. wat ?!
    tis competiton din hv champion d..
    jz gt te4 you1, you1 xiu4 n ru4 wei2 nia la... then everybody gt chance d larrr.........

    want fight v uncle aunty leh!!!!

  4. watever lahx./..wait so long time jz noe result..ask them go long piak

  5. haiya.. jz relax.. i sumthg lagi teruk
    4get gt tis competition.. din mention its result out pun..... then ppl told me i baru tau...
    when u on9 let me noe...
    send u some thg important..

  6. u wan me hw support u wor?
    haha..i m nt good in drawing~==

  7. hahaha.....
    jz oways view my blog.....
